How did the Trump impeachment impact the US?

The topic: How did the impeachment of Trump impact US politics?
Our show is hosted by George Galloway with an audience of experts in London.
- Some Talking Points
- Why UAE and Saudi are divided now?
- Will the divisions between former allies trigger a war between their surrogate armies in the South?
- Why the US did not force Saudi to stop its aggression in Yemen?
- What would the sacking of John Bolton mean for Yemen?
The first broadcast on Monday 28th October 2019 at 18:00 (London time) (GMT) on AL Mayadeen network
Repeated on Tuesday 29th
A production of Narcissi for Al Mayadeen TV
Watch the full debate:

Watch the debate on Almayadeen YouTube:

Watch on George Galloway’s page:

Patrick Henningsen | Writer, analyst, editor and founder of “21st Century Wire” |
Andre Walker | Conservative journalist, Townhall.com |
Adam Garrie | Political analyst and writer at “EurAsia Future” |
Carol Gould | US author/broadcaster |
Winston Hall | Historian and Office administrator |
Kevin Accendine | Comedian |
Claudia Bryan | Journalist, Political Activist |
Joshua Megan | Political Enthusiast |
Adrian Thurston | Film Director and Political Activist |
For future shows: Book your seat and email to: yoursay@kalimahorra.com
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