Round-Up: 2018 – A year of deception, war, state…
The topic:Round-Up: 2018 – A year of deception, war, state terrorism, or prosperity?
Some talking points:
- With an end to the war in Syria, who are the real winners and losers?
- After years of bloodshed in Yemen, is an end to this devastating war on the horizon?
- With Trump imposing further sanctions on Iran, despite US commitments to the nuclear deal, does this weaken the US’s position in the West?
- Following the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, will the Saudi leadership now change its direction?
- Facing civil unrest in the last weeks of 2018, will France experience further turmoil in 2019?
First broadcast on Monday 31st December 2018 at 6:30 pm (London time) (GMT)
on AL Mayadeen network
The show is hosted by George Galloway with an audience of experts in London.
Repeated on Tuesday 18th
A production of Narcissi for Al Mayadeen TV
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1st Segment
Mike Yardley – Writer, broadcaster, military historian, experimental psychologist and former soldier.
Adam Garrie – Historian, commentator, and director of Eurasia Future.
Tammy Al Kabbani – activist and commentator.
2nd Seg
Mike Yardley
Adam Garrie
Tammy Al Kabbani
Mike Yardley
Khaled Rashad – Yemeni activist and commentator
Mike Yardley
3rd Seg
Adam Garrie
James Randolf – Political Speaker & Researcher
Julian Morrow – Activist
Mike Yardley
Cheryl Sanchez – Enthusiastic Amateur
4th seg
Samia Hussein – Activist
Adam Garrie
Mike Yardley
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