New Zealand Mosques terror attacks: A wake-up call in…

The topic: New Zealand Mosques terror attacks: A wake-up call in the West?
Some talking points
- What is behind the increase in violent extremism around the world?
- Why was New Zealand targeted? What measures could be taken to ensure a similar attack doesn’t happen again?
- Will PM Jacinda Arden’s handling of the aftermath serve as a lesson for other world leaders?
First broadcast on Monday 13th May 2019 at 7:00 pm (London time) (6 pm GMT+1) on AL Mayadeen network
The show is hosted by George Galloway with an audience of experts in London.
Repeated on Tuesday 14th
A production of Narcissi for Al Mayadeen TV
Watch the full debate:

Watch the debate on Almayadeen YouTube:
* Charles Shoebridge Security, Intelligence, Terrorism Expert
* Shehram Malik Cyber Security Expert
* Abdulah Alandalusi Muslim Dawa Initiative
* Orlando Hill Stop The War Coalition, North London
* Joshua Megan Activist, Originally from Jaffa
* Imran Shah Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK (MPACUK)
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